One can image in the joy recently in three villages, Kero, Poko and Ungwan Fulani as new wells were commissioned in those three communities. Men, women and children all came out to celebrate their access to clean and accessible water for their communities. And it is not without reason that the people rejoiced at their well. For it is they who dug the well and provided sand, stones, water to mix the cement, food for the workers and all the other labour required. It was for Hope for the Village Child Foundation, using the donations given by generous individuals and groups, who were able to provide the cement, the handpump, iron rods for the pump bed and other incidentals as well as the supervision.
Neglected, overlooked, misused and disdained but when the scarcity is felt value becomes incalculable. Water, an essential of life, can easily be taken for granted, wasted, overused, and misused but when it is not present its absence is felt. Without water readily available, people of a community must go to far streams or riversides, or at times, use dirty and dilapidated wells which have no cover, are filthy and are dangerous for children. The effect on the entire family is felt, but often more so on the women and children, especially girls, whose traditional role it is to fetch water for the family.
So it was indeed their well, and they thanked God and the generous people who gave of their own resources so that others could also have. Indeed, a blessing on both sides.